Seeking Him

“He sought God in the days of Zachariah, who had understanding in the visions of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.”

2 Chronicles 26:5

King Uzziah of Judah did well, very well, as long as he set his heart to seek the Lord. However, later is heart was lifted up with pride and he died as a leper for violating the rules of the temple.

Herein is a prosperity message you most likely well not hear in the Christian world today. According to this passage, God’s blessing is not based upon how much Uzziah gave in offerings to the Lord, but how well he sought the Lord. As long as he sought God, God blessed him. And that blessing was abundantly clear as God gave him victory over his enemies, blessed the work of his hands, and gave him abundant livestock.

The message to one’s life is simple and clear: Seek the lord and you will be blessed, you will prosper. To be blessed and prosperous is not limited to riches and wealth. It may include such but is not limited by such. If you read the remainder of the story, it is said that Uzziah gained victory over his enemies by the help of God, he gained fame and became “exceedingly strong”, and he obtained much in livestock. In addition, he had “mighty men of valor” by his side who fought his battles and he blessed them with all they needed for war. He knew how to delegate and encourage the giftings of the men around him, “for he was marvelously helped till he became strong.”

Uzziah did not seek wealth or success but he obtained both because he sought the Lord. Many leaders today have bought into the prosperity gospel which has as it’s core the desire for wealth. It is a perversion of truth. You must not seek wealth or success, but with a pure heart, seek the Lord. Seek Him for Him not for what He can give you. Seek the Giver and not the Gift. If in your heart you seek Him because you want the stuff of earth, God knows. You cannot fool Him. Repent of your evil desire for wealth for the “love of money is a root of all kinds of evil . . .” (1 Timothy 6:10).

Why do you seek God? For success in ministry or because you simple love Him? How can you seek Him more purely?

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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