Approaching the village, Mbirma was called over by an older man whom he had not met before. He simple said: “I want you to pray for me.” Mbirima asked him for what he needed prayer. He explained that his knees were in pain so he could barely walk (he was using crutches at the time), and he had not been able to sleep well for a long time.
“I have to tell you sir”, Mbirima explained, “When I pray, I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ.” He went on to explain to this old Muslim guy about Jesus. After all was said, Mbirima asked the man if he would receive Christ. “Yes.” Along with praying for him to receive Christ, Mbirima also prayed for healing of his knees and that was the end of it until the next day.
The next day Mbirima went back to the village. The old Muslim guy approached Mbirima pointing his finger declaring: “You have a very strong medicine! Last night the pain in my knees left and I slept very well for the first time in years!” Mbirima went on to explain to him that it was not medicine (witchcraft) that healed him but Jesus Christ.

As it turns out, that old Muslim man is the chief of the village. He now attends the Discovery Bible Study held there weekly. We are seeing much interest in the Gospel in Chipitangongo among adults and children. Please pray with us that a church will be planted there within the next year.