If you’ve ever been to Africa you’ve probably noticed a strange tradition among the Africans — they sweep their dirt every morning. Sounds strange to us, but in reality it keeps their courtyards looking neat and provides debris to burn in the evening when they need a little extra warmth.
Somehow Amorane ended up facilitating a Discovery Bible Study at the home of someone living right next door to the village Mosque. Everything was going well until the Mosque leader, called an Imam, began to lean his ears heavily toward the DBS as he swept the dirt just outside the Mosque. Amorane began to get nervous. Muslims, especially Imams, are not usually favorable toward Christians. It could mean trouble.
Much to his chagrin, the Imam finally made his way over to the DBS and sat curiously, just listening. Then he began to enter into the discussion showing much interest. At one point the Imam asked Amorane to wait a few minutes until he could find his wife and bring her to join in as well. He and his wife have become committed to the DBS every week and began to ask all their friends to come. The group now has some 20 adults coming to listen and discuss the Word of God.
One day just recently the guys were late to the village and the DBS overlapped into the daily prayers at the Mosque. The public call went out for all to come and pray, but to Amorane’s surprise the Imam did not go but released his fellow Muslims to go pray, saying that he must stay and continue to hear the words of God!
Please pray for this Imam and the people there in the village of Lumbi. Our hope is to plant a church there within the next year.