The rest of the story of Abdul and his final days in this life. Please read blog post entitled “Dangerous Living” to get the whole story. The story below was written by Saide (alias). The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Brothers and sisters,
Peace to you in the might name of Jesus Christ.
I think that I have told you the story of Abdul, an old Muslim man who abandoned his Christian wife and went to marry the second Muslim wife in a Muslims zone. He stayed there for 30+ years separated from his Christian wife and 8 children.
Last year I shared the words of God in secret with him and he received Jesus Christ. He then started processing family unification as I took him home to reconcile with his children. Because both his wives died he was living with a Muslim sheikh. The Muslims didn’t want him to go home because he would have chance to meet people who can tell him about Jesus because his children are Christians.
Finally, I took Abdul home, his family received him as a lost son, with tears of Joy! They prepared a big meal we enjoyed together.
Couple weeks past, I met his son in my city of DRC (Congo) he told me that Abdul is dying with diabetes. I crossed the border to Burundi and went to visit him. He was very sick he couldn’t know who comes in and who goes out. His son told me that they are afraid as Abdul received Jesus but Muslims still believe that he is one of them. When he dies they will fight Christians and force to bury him. Then he told me a story of another Muslim who gave life to Jesus before, when he died the family wanted Christians to do funeral services but the Muslims came to fight them. The policemen had to intervene.
I prayed for Abdul and called him by his name, he answered difficulty, this is Saide, I said, do you still believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior? He said yes I believe Jesus and I am ready to be with him. Then he couldn’t speak again. I told his son your father is with Jesus please don’t fight with the Muslim for his funeral, let them have the body but his spirit belongs to Jesus.
Last Tuesday, I left home in the morning going to Bukavu then to another city of Congo for the ministry. In the afternoon I received a message that Abdul died. I couldn’t return to Congo for ministry. I came directly from Bukavu to Burundi to Abdul’s funeral. I arrived later at his home, and found that the Muslim buried him the same Tuesday he died.
Assumani is with Jesus!