Great Harvest International Ministries.
Church of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Food Distribution Report to the Victims of the Floods of 17/04/2020.
I. Introduction

On the night of 17/04/2020, torrential rain fell on the city of Uvira, suddenly sweeping away lives, taking away homes, and destroying properties and several infrastructures.
The same situation continues until now (late April – early May). Rain falls almost every day, the city’s three main rivers flood and continue to destroy houses, roads and several property, leaving residents inactive without knowing what to do. Now, homeless people do not have access to their old homes to look for some property engulfed in the rubble of houses as the waters continue to pass over the disaster site. (see photos attached).
II. Donations
Great Harvest International Ministries, is an evangelical and humanitarian (philanthropic) Christian Ministry, with the objectives of saving lost souls and helping the vulnerable through charity. Our latest efforts are now focused on showing compassion for the victims of recent flooding in Uvira.
As the word of God teaches us to help those in distress, an initial fund of $500 was sent to us through Kevin Bubna, director of Great Harvest International Ministries, Oregon USA, and $50 from the missionary – Melissa Christine, Engineer of Reckoning International based in Nairobi Kenya to help disaster victims and Uvira floods. It should be noted that a small portion of this amount of money remained in the bank for bank transfer. After purchasing goods, there remains only two dollars in the account to maintain a minimum balance.

III. Distribution
With this amount, food and non-food items were purchased: 280 kg of corn flour, 160 kg of beans, 160 kg of rice, 40 litres of cooking oil, 60 kg of salt and 120 laundry soaps. Another part was used for packaging.
A total of 40 households of 160 people were served. Each household received:
- 7 kgs of cornmeal
- 4 kgs of beans
- 4 kgs of rice
- 1 litre of vegetable oil
- 1.5 kgs of salt
- 3 laundry soaps.

IV. Field Observation at Uvira
Compared to other secular humanitarian organizations that are currently in Uvira to help the victims, the Great Harverst International Ministries has made a difference and was thanked by the beneficiaries and inhabitants of Uvira because:
- the package of donations distributed was complete and important for the real situation of the victims
- Christians volunteered for the distribution of these donations
- Christians pass through accommodation sites (classrooms, churches, houses under construction,…) To encourage, relieve, and preach the good news of God’s kingdom to the victims.
- the amount received has done an enormous amount of work compared to the thousands of dollars that humanitarian organizations that are on the ground receive. On 100% of their funding:
50% does logistics: luxury cars, office equipment, fuel, rents from luxury homes, etc.
30% for employees’ salaries: expatriates and locals
Only 20% is used for beneficiaries.
As a remark on the spot: They sometimes distribute cookies, empty cans, … leaving the victims in disarray and total desolation.
V. The Unfolding of the Distribution Activity
This Sunday, April 26, 2020, in the afternoon, the “Great Harverst International Ministries” made a distribution site in Kasenga, in the city of Uvira, which brought together 160 people or 40 households affected for the distribution of food and non-food.
VI. Conclusion and Thanks
As the floods continue, the GHIM is still asking people of good faith around the world to once again support us to see how we can save the lives of people at risk. We believe that Christian organizations, with Christ’s love, can provide better relief (donations) to beneficiaries (Victims) than the state or secular humanitarian organizations.
On behalf of all the beneficiaries, we thank those who made the first emergency relief and thank in advance those who will support for the 2nd installment.
God bless you infinitely!!!
For the “Great Harverst International Ministries”
For GHIM — Africa
Mbirima Ketekete.
Uvira R.D.Congo