By Ester Dos Santos Perdigao
Getting a driving license is usually something very simple and common, but not in Mozambique. A few months ago I applied for my motorbike driving license to help me with our Christian preschool ministry. What I didn’t anticipate is that, like most of the institutions in Mozambique, corruption abounds.
During the class training I was faced with the difficult decision of having to choose whether or not to oblige the teachers with the expected corruption in order to obtain the license. They made it very clear that without money it would not be possible. I saw several of my colleagues fail even after they had done everything right, just because they did not give money to the instructor.

I was so afraid of not passing the test because, up to that point, I was not physically able to kick start the motorcycle which would be an automatic failure. I desperately wanted to have that license so I could legally ride my motorbike. I prayed a lot, asking God for a direction on what to do or asking him to work a miracle on the day of the exam, but my fear of failure spoke louder.
I decided that I would pay the money that they wanted and asked some friends for a loan to be able to pay the bribe. Then the night before the exam day a cousin of mine called wanting to know how I was doing. I told her about my decision but then she asked me a question that I will never forget: “Do you want a license so badly that you are willing to compromise your faith?” I reflected and saw that she was right, so I prayed to God for forgiveness and entrusted everything into his hands.
The next day the preparation for the practical exam began. I was still afraid but I knew that it was up to God and I just trusted Him. As the practical exam began my instructor refused to help me in any way. While preparing alone a lady appeared who always showed that she didn’t like me, asking why I was preparing alone. I explained that the instructor that day was not helpful. Strangely, she decided to help and went to talk to my instructor. I don’t know what she said, but after a few minutes the instructor came and I was the first to be tested.
The examine began with kickstarting the motorcycle. Up to that point I could not do it. Kicking with all my might I tried once, twice, thrice – nothing! I said a little prayer under my breath and on the fourth try I was able to get it started! I did all without any problems. Then we went to the street for a practice skills test. In the middle of the road the motor stopped! Again, I tried to start it, but again failing. More prayer and it zoom, zoom – it started! All went well until we were back to the driving school. After few minutes the instructor gave me a paper and asked me to read it out loud. Suddenly I realized that the paper was saying I had passed the exam! I was so happy and thankful to the Lord.
Returning home, I received a call from my instructor who complimented me saying I was very good, and he was happy to work with me that day. Let us always trust the Lord and never give place to the pressure of corruption, for with God everything is possible!