A Strong Tower

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

Personal safety and for one’s family and possessions is one of the highest felt needs all have. This is why we have locks on our doors, lights on our grounds, and guards to keep watch at night. Parents are constantly vigilant for their children, passwords are used to guard against identity theft, background checks are common for employment. In this fallen world there was and always will be a need for protection and safety measures at many different levels in life.

Truth be told, for all those safety measures we have in place, there is still the very real danger of being directly or indirectly attacked, stolen from, or violated in a myriad of ways.  Missionaries I have known have gone to great measure and expense to secure their property, with lights, dogs, and guards only to be overrun by a group of fearless bandits. The point is that we can and should take wise precautionary measures to protect those we love and what God has provided, but in the end we have to put our trust in the name of the Lord.

As long as we live in the world we live in a war zone. Satan, the “god of this world” is still active and out to destroy all those whom God created in His own image, especially those who are being conformed to the image of Christ. We are targets of Satan. He will attack us by using men and demons under his control to rob, steal, and kill all who call upon the name of the Lord. He will attack our faith as God allows us to go through testing. He will bring questions to our minds: Why? Does God really care? If God is so good then why are you going through hell now? Where is God?

For those who are in the agony of despair or the fire of temptation we must remember there is a place of safely, a “strong tower” to run to. In the day of ancients, when men farmed the land and were openly exposed to enemy aggression, they could run to the tower or the city gates to find protection when their enemies approached. In the natural so in the spiritual. We must run to our Strong Tower – the name of the Lord.

It is the “name” of the Lord upon which we must call. His name represents all of who He is.  He is good. He is strong and powerful. He is faithful. He is love. He is all these things and so much more. What do you need today? Wisdom? His is the all-wise God who gives wisdom to those who ask. Comfort? He is the God of all comfort. Deliverance? He is the Good Shepherd who watches over you with His staff. Provision? He is the God of plenty and blessing. Whatever you need, He has it. Whatever you face, remember that He is for you and not against you. He hears the cry of the righteous and will come riding on the clouds to deliver them whenever He hears their cry of distress.

Learn to run to God. All our earthly safety measures can only keep us safe for so long and they certainly do not keep us safe from spiritual attack. What is your greatest need right now?  What enemy are you facing? What trial are you under? Take it to the “name of the Lord”. If you are under financial distress take that burden to the Lord who is the all-sufficient One. Wait upon Him with expectancy but not with presumption. Do not put the Lord on our time table. Do not put upon Him certain expectations on how He must meet your need. Remember His ways are higher than ours. Pour your heart out to him and wait patiently for Him to answer.

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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