Repentance and Discipleship
“Perhaps some people don’t understand the word repent. Maybe some just don’t like the word because it’s antiquated. If that’s the case then use the word “change” or “turn” but keep the message intact.”
“Perhaps some people don’t understand the word repent. Maybe some just don’t like the word because it’s antiquated. If that’s the case then use the word “change” or “turn” but keep the message intact.”
A true disciple will be a true fisher of men, for men are the reason Jesus came.
“Sovereign sabotage”—when the Divine interrupts the plans of human hearts, thus sending them down a different path; a path of His choosing, a path for His own glory…
Many do not go on to produce great fruit in the purposes of God because they are not able to hold on to their vision during the seasons of trials and testing.
Success is born in the midst of failure. If a disciple fails to multiply disciples it may be that he is failing to embrace failure as part of the normal course of ministry.
“Only God can heal.”