Mbirima finally arrived home after over four months on a mission to Kongolo on the Congo river – a trip to oversee the building of our mission boat! See photos below.
On their first boat trip the team journeyed 3 days to Kahunga, (some 300 km) where they expected to meet up with Pygmies whom they had led to the Lord just weeks prior. Once there they found the village empty and the houses burnt down. They also found themselves being accused by the Bantu tribe of giving bibles to the Pygmies and treating them as equals. Jealousy and prejudice prevailed until Arthur, a GHIM team member speaking the local language, convinced the chief of their good intentions. What’s more the local Bantu’s were complaining that they lost power in their witchcraft because of these missionaries!
Shortly thereafter they found Kisimba, the Pygmy man whom they trained to lead the new believers among them. They have regained momentum and now there are Bantu people attending their bible studies. In addition, they have received another invitation from a nearby village to come and share the Gospel.