He took the life of the man whom he found sleeping with his wife. It was a moment of utter rage that overtook our new Pygmy brother, Petro, landing him in Kalamie prison for ten years or more. Unless you have family nearby to bring you food then you will most likely starve to death, if you do not first succumb to sickness. Petro’s family live 500km from the prison making it impossible for them to bring him food at such a distance. GHIM Church of Kalemie stepped up to help.
It was this tragedy that led us to begin prison ministry in two large prisons, one in Kalemie and one in Uvira. Dozens have received the Lord and were baptized. They are now holding Discovery Bible Studies on their own in prison. Pastor Beya was preaching one day in Kalemie prison and he had a word from the Lord, telling the men that one of them would soon be released from prison and he was to come and give his life to Christ. That man stood and went forward while many of the other prisoners laughed at the idea of being released from prison so soon. Two days later he was a free and became part of the GHIM church there in Kalemie.
Perhaps you cannot visit these men in prison but with your support we are doing it! As the Lord provides we hope someday to be in many more prisons! Of the 800 prisoners we feed every week many have given their lives to Christ and have been baptized. I really don’t know how they do it, but our teams make and bring food to feed the prisoners one time each week with only $125 dollars. Please consider supporting us to do more!
“I was in prison and you came to visit me” Matthew 25:36