Papa Beya

He pastors the Great Harvest Church of Kalemie, has ten children, two of which are working with GHM, oversees the ‘Going Bananas’ self sustaining project for our team in Congo, and most importantly: He is a third generation disciple who is now discipling a Pygmy man named Kisimba. The GHIM boat is now parked on the shore of the Congo River near where Papy Beya has been for the past few weeks. He has begun new DBS (discovery bible study) groups in four villages with Pygmies (the very short tribe) and the Bantu (normal stature). What’s more, he is going even further into the bush to another new village who has asked him to come and teach them about God. He absolutely loves what he is doing although he is very far from his family and other responsibilities for now. But those whom he left behind are well trained to fill in his shoes.

The field in this area of Congo is a very ripe. We are raising up Pygmies who are reaching Pygmies. Disciples who are making disciples. The work will not stop unless we fail to multiply laborers for the harvest. At GHIM we committed to making disciples until Jesus comes. What else could be more important? Nothing satisfies the Christian soul like seeing people give their lives to Christ and follow him. Nothing. All heaven is having a very long party because the captives are being set free, not only here but in Mozambique. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your gifts. Keep them coming because we have lots of work to do.

I, Kevin will be traveling to Mozambique in the fall of this year. Pray for peace as there has been much civil unrest due to fraudulent elections. Having been away far too long, I must go to encourage our team in Nampula, Mozambique, who continue to spread the Gospel and plant churches. I also want to meet up with Ysufu and Omari, my dear brothers in Christ whom I baptized several years ago. To once again walk their village of Sambula and meet their Muslim extended family is my dream. They know me as the one who turned their sons away from Islam, but perhaps by now their hearts will be ready to receive Christ. My heart burns to go.

Amazed at the team God has given us in both Congo and Mozambique we rejoice that God has allowed us the privilege of being his servants in this corner of the world, but stay tuned! Katherine and I are entering a new door in Panama this March to equip a man who has led seventy indigenous people to Christ this past year and is asking for us to come and teach them about discipleship.

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