About GHIM | Our Story | Our Team
We pray because our vision exceeds our abilities. Prayer is the soul’s deepest cry of rebellion against the way things are, seeing the lost of this world and crying out: ‘This does not glorify God, and so, by God’s grace it must change!’ Prayer comes from God and ascends back to God on behalf of those who do not know God.
David Garrison
About GHIM
Great Harvest International Ministries (GHIM) is a small grass roots movement. It’s not one missionary’s story but the story of how God is using Africans to reach Africans, one person, one village at a time. Sharing God’s story we disciple people to Christ, taking the Gospel to where it has never been or has not been understood. When one old woman heard God’s story for the first time she asked: “Am I too old to know this love of God?”
And so it continues. From villages of Mozambique to the jungles of Congo. From English to Portuguese, to Ciyao, Makua, Chichewa, Kiswahili, French, and others, the Gospel is being proclaimed. Young and old, some the poorest of the poor, are finding Jesus in the darkest places where unspeakable cultural beliefs are practiced.

Our Story

Kevin and Katherine Bubna
Founders Great Harvest International Ministries
Sitting on the banks of the Columbia River in 2007 we just knew — our release had come. The page had turned and God was about to write new chapter in our lives entitled: Africa. Up to that point Kath and I had been pastoring a small church in Portland, Oregon. With more questions than answers we launched out in 2008 to explore and landed at a missions school in Mozambique. Friendships were made and we were invited to return to Mozambique to work with another missionary couple.
Two years passed until we were able to return. It’s a long story of how it all happen, so suffice now to say that it was the best and the worst of times. We lost all financially but gained lessons worth more than silver and gold. Rather than being the “rich” ministering to the poor we became poor and totally dependent upon God, miracle by miracle.
Our Team

Mbirima Ketekete
Director of Ministries Africa

DBS, Lichinga

Pastor GHIM Luvungi

Pastor of Uvira Great Harvest Church
If you have any questions, feel free to connect with us using the contact form below.
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