Armed with Praise

“And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the beauty of Holiness, as they went out before the army and said: ” Praise be to the Lord, for his mercy endureth forever.”

2 Chronicles 20:21

Facing an unbeatable enemy, a “great crowd” of warriors bent on their destruction, the people of Judah and Jehoshaphat cried out to the Lord. Responding through a prophetic Lord given to Jahaziel, the Lord said that they would not have to fight this battle—God would fight for them. Jehoshaphat encouraged people to “believe in the Lord your God” (v20). They were not idle or frozen from fear but decided to worship the Lord as their first line of defense. Then they sent out the choir! As this choir began to sing to the Lord their enemies began to destroy one another until “no one had escaped.”

It seems that with this example in Scripture that an effective means of spiritual warfare is faith coupled with praise and worship. Jehoshaphat said: “Believe in the Lord your God …” (v20) and he then organized the choir to worship the Lord. When God’s people began to praise the Lord He set ambushes against their enemies. Full confidence in the wisdom and power of God was necessary. This praise was not a product of hope, but of faith. People absolutely trusted the Lord to deliver them. They didn’t have a backup plan. They did nothing to defend themselves against the enemy who was far superior. They simply focused on God through praise. They knew that because of His great mercy victory would come.

Worshiping God in the midst of trials is not a formula that automatically does wonders for us, but when coupled with a strong prophetic word and faith, it can be a powerful way to overcome the enemy. At the very least your soul will be lifted up as you worship which can be used by God to help you overcome the attack. When there is the confidence which faith brings, praise and worship can move mountains and effectively destroy any enemy. There may be times when God allows you to fight battles to test and strengthen your faith, but don’t be afraid for He is always with you. Learn to praise him in the good times and the bad. Pour out your heart to Him then wait and see what God will do.

What problems are you now facing as a leader? Present them before God in prayer and then refocus yourself and your team on Jesus in praise and worship.

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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