Brought Low

“But the Lord brought Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had encouraged moral decline in Judah and had been continually unfaithful to the Lord.”

2 Chronicles 28:19

A king can make all the difference. Ahaz was the reason for the spiritual decline of Judah. He worshiped the Baals, sacrificed his own children in the fire, and burned incense on the high places. Due to his negative influence all Judah fell into a moral pit, were overtaken and led captive by their enemies. Therefore God brought Judah low. When God does such His purpose is that in being low his people might look up and return to Him.

Leadership is a powerful force and a huge responsibility. Your influence as a leader can make all the difference either positively or negatively in the lives of those whom you lead. By your example people will either draw near to God or pull away from Him. By our influence lives will be blessed or lives will be judged as they follow your example. What you do and how you live is open to public scrutiny. Almost all decisions you make as a leader will have reverberations beyond your private world. How you love your wife, how you raise you children, how you move publicly, even privately, will affect others around you. Do not think that your actions are isolated — affecting no one else.

You must realize that your actions, or non-action, can result in the spiritual decline of those whom you lead. If you as a leader are not seeking the Lord consistently you risk leading others astray because you will be led astray. Faithfulness in your relationship to God is vital to your spiritual health and the health of those under your influence. Compromise in small areas will lead to compromise in big areas. Just as a rock thrown into water will cause increasing ripples from the point of entry, the impact of your life will have increasing ripple affect upon others.

Walk in humility before God and He will have no need to bring you low. Stay close and stay obedient to God, then you, and others around you, will be spiritually healthy and blessed.

Take a moment to pray and ask God if there is anything in your life that needs change. Ask Him to do a spiritual inventory of your life and leadership.

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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