Dangerous Meddling

“And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord . . . He trusted in the Lord “Refrain from meddling with God, who is with me, lest He destroy you.”

2 Chronicles 35:21b

When king Medo of Egypt came up to fight some of his enemies Josiah opposed him although the war was not against him. King Nebo responded to Josiah with the words above, yet Josiah did not heed Nebo’s words. Instead, he went out to battle against him which resulted in his death. Evidently Josiah did not believe Nebo’s word was from God because he completely ignored it. Whether Nebo’s quest was really from God or not, the point is that Josiah meddled in business which was not his own and consequently paid the ultimate price. He lost his kingship over something that was none of his business.

As leaders we must pick our battles wisely. We must not meddle in the affairs of others for to do so is potentially harmful to our reputation and ministry. Let God be God and the Judge of all things. It is not our responsibility to take up fights that are not our own, or even to take sides with another when unnecessary. To do so is dangerous and may open us up to needless pain and suffering.

Be wise and stay out of things that are none of your business. Keep your head up and your mouth shut. Avoid taking sides in politics or trying to influence people toward partisanship. Focus on the Word of God and use it as the measuring stick for all issues. Use the Word of God to teach people truth and to use it to judge everything in life. You cannot tell them whom to vote for but you can teach them truth in hopes that it will influence their decisions and choices in life. Satan knows full well what God has called you to do and He is the master at distracting and destroying ministries. If he can get you to focus on things that are none of your business, he will manage to take you away from the purpose of God for your life, or at the very least leaving you ineffective.

Before you involve yourself in any affair take time to ask the Lord if it is something you should pursue. So many leaders spread themselves too thin doing many things and actually failing to do what God told them to do originally. Stay focused. Keep away from meddling lest you open yourself up to unnecessary Satanic attack.

Is there anything you are involved in right now which has taken you off course, away from that to which God has called you? Are there any alliances you have made which you now recognize as not being in God’s will? Take time to think and pray about these two questions.

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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