One Man

“So the runners passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh, as far as Zebulun; but they laughed at them and mocked them. Nevertheless some from Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem. Also the hand of God was on Judah to give them singleness of heart to obey the command of the king and the leaders, at the word of the Lord.”

2 Chronicles 30:10–12

Besides restoring the temple and true worship in Judah, Hezekiah took things to an even higher level. He restored the Passover celebration which had been forsaken for many years. The Passover was to be a perpetual celebration to commemorate the redemption of God’s people from Egypt. Hezekiah sent runners all throughout Judah to herald the call to Passover, and even invited those in the northern kingdom of Israel. The responses ranged from mockery and rejection to humility and obedience. God was moving because Hezekiah had set himself to seek the Lord and call as many as would listen and respond.

One man, whose heart is passionate toward God can make a huge difference. The message of Hezekiah was this: Return to the Lord and God will remove His wrath and extent compassion upon you. Though he probably knew that all who received the invitation would not respond, nevertheless, he made a big effort and did not let fear of rejection or ridicule hinder his efforts.

There will always be the mockers — those who sneer at our message to return to God. Yet if we are faithful to make the call there will always be those who will respond positively. Not only can God use us to bring people back to Himself, our work can be used of God to touch other leaders, who in turn, will touch their people for God. The “singleness of heart” which God gave to the people was the direct result of one faithful man. Hezekiah inspired leaders, who in turn inspired the people to humbly obey God’s word. As the king, the leaders, and the people moved toward God, God moved toward them giving solidarity and a greater grace to obey the word of the Lord.

Never say to yourself: “I am only one man, what can I do?’ Be faithful to declare the word of the Lord and God will do the rest just as he did with Hezekiah and his team. Do not be discouraged when you encounter people who do not want to hear about God. Take up the call of God and keep moving! Build a team of disciples and send them out. Together, under your leadership, you can make a difference.

Think about the team God has given you, whether it be one or two persons, or more. Take time to think about how you can encourage them in the face of rejection to keep running with the Gospel.

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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