Prepare Your Way

“So Jothan became mighty because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God”

2 Chronicles 27:6

The cause and effect of Jotham’s life is simple to understand. Jotham walked uprightly before the lord. He chose a course of life that honored God. Thus he became mighty and was very successful in all he endeavored to do.

The root word for “prepare” means to be properly erect. In other words to walk uprightly; to be faithful; to establish yourself, order yourself, to make yourself ready and right.

There is something YOU must do to become a mighty leader. No one is born a great leader. All must come through God’s school of leadership. This is a school which tests you to the core of your being to see if you have the humility and determination to seek and obey God. YOU must discipline yourself to understand the ways of the Lord and determine in your spirit man to do what is good and right. No one, not even God, can make that choice for you. Be sure the choice is not a one-time thing. Each and everyday you must choose to walk uprightly before the Lord. Do not depend upon yesterday’s victories to carry you through today’s challenges.

To prepare yourself you must judge yourself by the standard of God’s Word. To judge yourself by God’s Word you must know and love God’s Word. You must not compare your ways to those of others, but measure yourself up and against the Word of God. If you do things God’s way, rule and lead according to His truth, you will become a good leader, be well respected, and become successful in what you do.

How do you daily prepare yourself before God? What can you do better to make sure you are walking in His ways?

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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