“And he (Amaziah) did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a loyal heart.”
2 Chronicles 25:2
Amaziah had the appearance of loving God through acts of obedience, but his lack of loyalty became evident when tested with success. After winning a war with the Edomites, he brought back their idol gods and began to worship them. In this he showed that his heart was not completely loyal to the Lord. Due to this lack of loyalty, his success led to pride, which let to deception, and finally idolatry. True love for God is not only evidenced by obedience, but steadfast love from a loyal heart. Obedience without a deep hearted committed love for God is mere religion which does not have staying power. Amaziah merely replaced one religion for another. He was only slightly right.
We must ask ourselves: Why do I serve God? What motivates me to obey Him? Is it a sense of duty which lacks the staying power of love, or is it love that responds in obedience? Be sure God will test your love for Him, not because He is ignorant of what motivates you, but because He wants to purify you. He may allow you to succeed in certain things, and if your heart swells with pride and fails to acknowledge the Lord for the success of it, and you fail to give all glory to Him, it shows you do not have a loyal heart. You have religion but lack committed love.
“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). “Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left your first love.‘ (Revelation 2:4). It is possible to do the good thing but fail miserably because the love is gone. One wife complained to her husband that he never says “I love you”. The husbands response: “I told you I love you 30 years ago when I married you!” Love without emotion, without passion, is as unacceptable to the Lord as it is to us.
Has passion for Christ been replaced by religious duty in your ministry? Are you doing all the right things but lack real love?