
“And it shall be, when you hear a sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall to out to battle, for God has gone out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines.”

I Chronicles 14:15

Twice David had “inquired of the Lord”, once for each new battle he faced. The first time God said “Go for I will deliver them into your hand”. David faced the Philistines directly and won. This time, God gave David another strategy. He told him to go around from behind and wait until he hears the sound of marching in the mulberry trees, and then go out to battle. The “sound” of marching was the physical sound provided by God for David to know the timing of the attack. In verse fifteen God tells David he will go out before them and “strike” the Philistines. Then in verse sixteen we read that David did as God had commanded him and they (David and his men) drove back the Philistines. Essentially what we read from this second encounter is that God went “before” them into battle. Two inquires, two different strategies, same result—they are victorious over their enemies.

So what do we learn about leadership and warfare from this passage? First and foremost we must never rely upon yesterday’s strategy. Do not assume that what worked yesterday will work today. The one and only strategy we must have is to seek the Lord anew for each new challenge we face. In each new battle, each new situation, where decisions are needed, we must hear what the Lord is saying. The Lord’s strategy for each situation we face may very well be different from the last time. In one way it would be easy just to trust a formula for any given situation we encounter, but God does not want us to trust a formula, He wants us to trust Him! It pleases God when we look to Him for answers, not our book of strategies, or book of prayers. He longs to show Himself strong on our behalf. As we move out with today’s plan and see the victory, our faith will increase. Remember, it is faith that pleases God.

Don’t you think that leading by seeking is much more enjoyable and peaceful? We don’t have to wonder if things are going to work out because we have sought the Lord and He has clearly shown us what will work. The temptation will be there to fall back on yesterday’s word from the Lord. There are certain timeless principles we must always hold to in God’s Word and we must apply them in our leadership. There will also be times when a Scriptural principle does not work or apply, in those times we need the clear direction of the Holy Spirit.

When you are facing important decisions do you tend to make them while depending upon your experience (yesterdays victories)? In what ways does God speak to you, that is, how do you hear Him when making decisions?

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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