Team Work

“Now these were the heads of the mighty men whom David had, who strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom, with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of the Lord concerning Israel.”

I Chronicles 11:12

As the newly appointed king over Israel David began to establish his rule. First, he conquered Jerusalem (formerly Jebus of the Jebusites), built a city around it and made it his capital. Having a centralized place of rule and a secure place from which to rule was important in those days. He then appointed valiant and faithful men as leaders of leaders. These men had proven themselves to David through various battles. They were fierce, strong, bold, mighty warriors who risked their lives for David’s sake. It was these men whom God used to help David establish his kingdom.

A wise leader knows the importance of gathering a team around him to fulfill God’s call on his life. He knows that he cannot not do it alone. He also knows the importance of finding the right people. The right people will have shown themselves loyal to the leader and commitment to the call of God on his life. They believe in what God is doing through the man God is raising up. They are not at all interested in promoting themselves or their own agenda, but that of their leader — the man whom God has chosen. There is no petty jealousy, not rival for position or power, or hidden agenda in the heart of these men. They will have proven themselves through unconditional support, acts of love and sacrifice, and unprecedented loyalty first to the Lord and secondly to their beloved leader. Truly, such men do not grow on trees. They are rare, yet they are.

If God has called you He will establish you. It was the Lord who called David, preserved him through many troubles, and established him over Israel. He will give you favor and surround you, as he did with David, with loyal men to help you get the job done. Pray for wisdom and discernment to chose the right leaders to work with you. Some will come and some will go. There will be those who come to establish you and then they will leave. There will be those who come with agendas, just looking for power, prestige, or provision, but in time their unholy motives will be revealed. With God’s help you will find those whom He has sent to you. Be patient and wait upon Him. Be observant and test those who are coming to help you. They will be the humble ones who are truly committed to the Lord and embrace the vision fully.

Write down the names of those who work beside you in your ministry. Ask God to reveal their hearts, to know if they truly are those who will stick by your side. Are they faithful? Available? Teachable? You will know them by their actions. Just watch them for a while.

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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