The Eyes

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and from throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him”

2 Chronicles 16:9

Asa had foolishly made an alliance with the king of Syria when threatened by Baasha king of Israel. Hanani the seer rebuked him for relying upon the king of Syria and not on the Lord. God would have delivered him just as He had done before, but now Asa’s peace was gone and he would suffer wars according to the prophet. The prophet reassured Asa that God is eager to help. He is actively looking to prove himself strong for those whose hearts will trust Him.

God is looking for the opportunity to intervene for us, but the only requirement is that we be loyal to Him. What does loyalty look like? In the context of this passage it means we must not run to others for help when God is there, willing and ready to come to our aid. The Lord is pleased with those who do not put their confidence in themselves or in others, but in Him alone. When we let fear run amuck in our hearts will make decisions based in fear and not faith in God. In doing so, God is often our last resort. So often we look for answers everywhere but in Him – books, magazines, seminars, radio/tv shows and if we have to we will finally pray and search the Scriptures. Yet He earnestly desires to help us if we would only call upon him.

A disloyal heart is one that seeks God as a least resort. Why do we so quickly run here and there to find solutions to our problem when the Lord is willing? We run to our neighbor, our pastor, or missionary, hoping they will help us. Stop trying to figure things out and manipulate your circumstances. Stop looking for the help of man. Be still and know that He is God. Is He your God or not? Put your confidence fully in Him. He will do it.

Identify areas in your life or ministry which are a concern to you. How have you run to other instead of God in this area? What must you now do to change?

About the Author

Kevin Bubna

A simple man with a simple vision: To make disciples

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